Benefits of Glucosamine for Dogs

With summer sadly on it’s way out and autumn on the near horizon it is time to consider the effect the change in season can have on our four-legged friends. Continued wet, cold weather can cause our canine's joints to suffer for a variety of different reasons. Scientific Nutritional Products takes a look…

Summer time is filled with walks and days out in the countryside or in the garden with our dogs but the rainier and colder weather can lead to a reduction in our canine’s exercise. Excessive exercise is not ideal for a dog with a dog joint problem but whilst it is important not to over-do it sticking to regular, gentle exercise provides the perfect way to keep joint aches at bay. It is advisable to where possible stick to your normal walking routines with your pooches and avoid reducing or shortening walks unless truly necessary as exercise stimulates joint lubrication preventing dog joint pain!

Colder weather also appears to play a role in troublesome joints causing more problems. Though at this stage scientists are not 100% sure what causes cold weather to increase joint pain symptoms, one of the leading theories is that it is caused by a drop in air pressure, known as barometric pressure. A reduction in barometric pressure changes the weight of the atmosphere which surrounds us and our animals and in colder weather this pressure reduction allows body’s tissues to expand and therefore in turn placing more pressure on stiff joints.

So how can we help our canines get set for autumn?

Scientific Nutritional Products looks at limiting canine joint pain and stiffness through their management but also via their diet, the benefits of Glucosamine for Dogs

A good canine diet should also supply all the necessary nutrients; including ample protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals. Studies have found that Omega-3 fatty acids can help curb inflammation to ease joint pain. Omega 3 is what is called an "essential" fatty acid meaning our dog's body requires it but cannot formulate it, so must consume it through food. Its main effect is as an anti inflammatory helping with coat condition, skin condition, mobility and cardiac health so it should be found in all diets-particularly of those canine’s with joint stiffness.

Alongside a balanced, healthy diet it can be beneficial to include a Glucosamine for Dogs supplement in the diet, in order to maintain mobility and comfort in older dogs and during cold, wet weather.

Scientific Nutritional Products offer Canine Joint Right which provides a comprehensive supplement which includes Glucosamine for Dogs, Chondroitin, MSM, Hyaluronic Acid and Omega 3 offering your dog the ultimate Joint Aid for Dogs package. Canine Joint Right supplement can help to support joint cartilage, soothe and ease aching joints and the unique addition of MSM helps to build cartilage, ligaments, tendons and synovial fluid.

For more information about Canine Joint Right or to keep up with our educational blog by visiting our website

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