
canine glucosamine
Exercising the Senior Dog
As your canine friend ages, they will change, even if they are perfectly healthy for the age they have now reached. These changes in their bodies may mean your dog is not be able to run as fast, jump as...
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Canine Joint Right
A Multi Dog Home
Many UK households enjoy the magic of multiple pets. Having more than one dog can be a huge positive, meaning that our canine friends get to enjoy each other’s company and keep one another entertained so there is less occurrence...
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canine behaviour
Getting your Dog ‘Spring’ Ready!
Spring is not just a time for cleaning- luckily! The dawn of this new season also means you and your four legged friends can begin to enjoy more time in the great outdoors. This means that now is a great...
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Optimising Canine Nutrition
Our dogs’ food must supply the nutrients our canines' need for growth, energy, and repair. Dogs are omnivorous scavengers at the carnivore end of the spectrum and the wild dog evolved to eat whatever was available, both in times of plenty...
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canine glucosamine
Get Fit with your dog this New Year
Why not try something new and give running with your dog a go this New Year? Running with your dog provides a fantastic way to get fit in the fresh air and enjoy an invigorating workout whilst spending time with...
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How Canines Can Help People with Depression
Here at Scientific Nutritional Products we love dogs! These incredible animals bring us joy, laughter and in some cases, important services such as military services or as assistance dogs to blind, deaf or diabetic people in need. Recent reports in...
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canine glucosamine
Helping your Dog Cope with Fireworks
Halloween and Bonfire Night are almost here. Many people will hosting parties or attending public fireworks events allowing us to enjoy fun, colourful and exciting displays amidst a crisp Autumnal evening. Many of our canine friends however sadly do not...
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Oh my Dog, Stop Barking!
Dogs bark. It’s one of the ways they communicate. Many humans consider it to be annoying, loud and unnecessary but it is important to remember barking, along with whining, howling and growling, is a dog’s natural means of communication. When...
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canine joint
Achieving the best Canine Diet
Dogs are omnivorous scavengers at the carnivore end of the spectrum. The dog in the wild has evolved to eat whatever was available in times of plenty or in scarcer times which means that they are able to cope with...
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