One of the most exciting things about picking up a new canine friend joining the family is choosing a name. Deciding on a name can be great fun, but not always easy so how do you pick? Scientific Nutritional Products takes a look in our latest fun blog!
To be honest your canine’s name says as much about you as it does about your dog but if your pet is going to be a family dog it is essential to agree a single name for your new arrival in order to not become confused! In terms of finding inspiration there are books of doggy names and many online sites with suggestions. Currently according to animal charity the Blue Cross some of the most popular names include; Max, Buster, Marley, Bella, Tia and Poppy!
A short name is easier for your dog to learn, and for you and your family to call. Two-syllable names work well and are easy to give a happy-sounding inflection keeping you sounding positive when you call your dog to you. It is sensible to pick a name which doesn’t sound like a command and that isn’t similar to names of other family pets or family members.
If your new puppy or dog already has a name, but you don’t like it, it is fine to change it — there are no unlucky superstitions attached to doing so, as there are with horses! If you are taking on a rescue dog with a suspected history of being abused, a change of name may even be a good idea.
Once you’ve decided your perfect name for your pet you need to teach it to them! Say their name in a bright, cheerful voice and when your dog looks at you praise them and perhaps provide a treat so he makes positive associations with his name being called. Take opportunities when you feed your dog, put their lead on or when playing games to say their name and build the connection.
It’s important to create positive associations with your dog’s name, so initially try not to use your new pooch’s name in a cross or exasperated voice, or in connection with anything he views as unpleasant! Also don’t continually call his name just for the sake of it either, or he will start to ignore it. Finally, and most importantly have fun with your new four-legged friend.
Canine Joint Right is the ideal way to support your new canine friend. Available from Scientific Nutritional Products is a Glucosamine for Dogs supplement offering maximum joint comfort and mobility through it’s beneficial ingredients such as; Glucosamine for Dogs, MSM, Chondroitin, HA and Omega 3.
For more information on Canine Joint Right Glucosamine for Dogs or to receive one-to-one advice specific to your dog and dog joint supplement contact our nutritional specialists on FREEPHONE 0800 032 7774 or Tel: 01377 254900.
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